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Note: This trick requires a turbo controller with auto-fire capability and a team that is able to win every random encounter in Academia -400 AF- without switching Paradigms or using items. Go to Academia -400 AF-, and reach the area southeast of the safe zone (where Chocolina is located). Find the escalator, which should be blue (going up). If it is not, find its switch to make it blue so you do not end up at the bottom of the escalator. Face the escalator, and set A to auto-fire. You will swing your sword wildly at the air when an encounter is imminent. Within a few hours, you should have gained a lot of CP and Gil. Note: This location was selected solely because of its proximity to the safe zone, but anywhere outside the safe zone will work as long as your wild sword swinging does not move you into the safe zone. Academia -400 AF- was selected because it is the only zone where you can have random encounters while standing still.
Fragment skillsUnlock the indicated skill to get the corresponding bonus:
- Anti-grav Jump: Hold Jump to travel further.
- Bargain Hunter: Purchase items from shops at 25% discount; also affects Serendipity coin prices.
- Battlemania: Increase the odds that rare enemies will be encountered.
- Chocobo Music: Select Chocobo songs while riding the Chocobo.
- Clock Master: Set overall game speed between High Speed and Low Speed.
- Encounter Master: Change the enemy encounter rate to frequent or less frequent.
- Eyes of the Goddess: Control camera in Event Scenes with Right Analog-stick.
- Field Killer: Defeat enemies instantly on the field.
- Haggler: Sell items to shops for 10% more Gil.
- Mobile Mog: Mog returns to your side faster after throwing him.
- Mog's Manifestation: Improved Moogle Throw to find treasure where none can be seen.
- Monster Collector: Increase odds to obtain a Monster Crystal from battles.
- Paradox Scope: Invoke paradox to explore new potential histories to challenge history's new possibilities.
- Rolling in CP: Earn more CP from battles.
Reach Serendipity for the first time, and talk to Mystic to get Mog's Manifestation, which improves your Moggle Throw and Haggler skill. Use the Moggle Throw at the indicated areas to get the corresponding unique monster crystal:
- Cactuarama (A Dying World 700): Throw Mog into a position close to Chocolina in the Black Sands Zone.
- Cactuarina (New Bodhum 003AF): Throw Mog into the crater beneath the gate in the Meteorite Impact Site Area.
- Chichu (Archylte Steppe ???AF): Throw Mog into the patch of red flowers close to the Cactuar Waystone on The Plains Of Eternity.
- Leyak (Sunleth Waterscape 300AF): Throw Mog at the two Miniflan while riding the giant beast in the Anime Trail Area.
- Nanochu (Archylte Steppe ???AF): Throw Mog onto the small island at the center of the Clearwater Marshes.
- Rangda (New Bodhum 003AF): Throw Mog into the ocean from the pier east of the NORA house.
- Silver Chocobo (Academia 4XXAF): Throw Mog onto the platform beneath the holographic projection of Cocoon.
Search the indicated locations to find the Graviton Cores:
Stronger weaponsCollect all 160 fragments before claiming the Chaos Crystal weapon at the front counter in Academia 4XX AF. With all 160 fragments, the weapon will be in its strongest form. Note: The Chaos Crystal can be purchased in Serendipity for 10,000 coins (7,500 with the Haggle skill). Give the Chaos Crystal to Hope in Academia 4XX AF, and he will tell you to claim the weapon at the front counter. It does not matter which one you choose, as the other weapon can be purchased in Serendipity for 1,000 coins (750 with the Haggle skill) after claiming the first weapon.
Always start battles with full ATBStarting a battle with full ATB is usually only possible with the Pre-emptive Strike. However, it is possible to start the battle with full ATB without the Pre-emptive Strike. At the start of battle, simply perform a Paradigm Shift to instantly fill the ATB gauge to full.
Bonus GamerpicsSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Gamerpic:
- Alternate Lightning: Get all achievements.
- Lightning: Have a saved game file from Final Fantasy 13.
- Mog: Get the 'Fair Fighter' achievement.
- Noel: Get the 'Chronosavior' achievement.
- Serah: Get the 'Defragmented' achievement.
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Choco-boco-holic (14 points): Spent a fortune at shops.
- Clock Stopper (15 points): Responded swiftly to the appearance of enemies.
- Staggering (15 points): Staggered a significant number of enemies.
- Quick Draw (15 points): Performed a significant number of preemptive strikes.
- Wild Thing (16 points): Successfully used Feral Link abilities a significant number of times.
- No Retreat (16 points): Fought a significant number of battles without using the 'Retry' option.
- Strategist (18 points): Performed a multitude of paradigm shifts.
- Budding Hunter (30 points): Defeated an army's worth of enemies.
Additionally, there are 23 secret achievements:
- Early Riser (15 points): Accepted a new fate in a world where everything has changed.
- Time Traveler (15 points): Left behind a normal life, and began a journey through time.
- Future Espier (15 points): Visited the place where clues to the future lie waiting to be discovered.
- Past Gazer (15 points): Visited the place where the saviors of the past dream in crystal.
- Threat Facer (15 points): Acknowledged the threat facing the world, and decided to fight back.
- Sooth Seeker (15 points): Prepared to face a test of your determination in the rift where hidden truths slumber.
- Promise Keeper (15 points): Turned your back on empty dreams and joined the battle to save mankind.
- Trigger Finger (30 points): Obtained five Cinematic Bonus rewards.
- Anomalous (30 points): Witnessed every possible Paradox Ending.
- Epic Finisher (90 points): Followed the story to its conclusion.
- Saddle Sore (12 points): Went the distance on chocobo-back.
- Serendipitous (12 points): Amassed a fortune in casino coins.
- Fragmented (30 points): Completed an entire fragment category.
- Defragmented (90 points90 points): Completed every fragment category.
- Scarlet Medal (14 points): Defeated a powerful enemy with graceful poise.
- Cerulean Medal (14 points): Defeated a powerful enemy with valiant skill.
- Obsidian Medal (14 points): Defeated a powerful enemy with perfect execution.
- Supreme Being (30 points): Fully developed all abilities.
- Big Game Hunter (30 points): Defeated every worthy opponent.
- Giant's Fist (90 points): Dealt 99,999 damage with a single attack.
- Beast Tamer (90 points): Befriended a most unfriendly monster.
- Fair Fighter (90 points): Defeated a powerful enemy on equal terms.
- Chronosavior (90 points): Obtained the highest possible result in the battle to determine the fate of the world.
Welcome to GamesBeat’s Final Fantasy XIII-2 game guide. Here you’ll find some clarification on the Crystarium and Historia Crux systems, as well as specific tips and tricks on unlocking the best weapons, powerful fragment skills, and winning all the chocobo races with ease.
More importantly, if you have any specific questions or feedback, leave a comment and I’ll get back to you right away. Useful information will be added to the guide and credited to whoever submitted it.
- Crystarium (<–you are here)
The Crystarium is Final Fantasy XIII-2’s leveling system, which shares some similarities to those found in Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XIII.
Both Noel and Serah have six roles to choose from:
Final Fantasy 13-2 Slot Machine Tricks
- Ravager – Offensive magic caster who increases the stagger* progress on an enemy; can also do area of effect attacks that damage multiple enemies
- Commando – Melee damage dealer who maintains stagger progress and can launch enemies in the air where they can be infinitely juggled (with proper timing by all party members)
- Sentinel – Tank class, can provoke enemies and withstain large amounts of attacks at reduced damage rates
- Medic – A healer that can restore health, raise the death, and remove negative status ailments
- Synergist – A support caster who bestows positive boosts on the party, including increased attack and defensive stats (good to start almost any battle of with one of these for increased efficiency)
- Saboteur – The opposite of the Synergist, a Saboteur removes boosts from enemies and can inflict negative ailments as well as deal moderate damage in the process
Note: Monsters only have one role, though it varies from monster to monster.
To level up your character, you just need to choose which role you’d like to level and use the Crystogen Points required. The amount needed applies across all roles, regardless of level, and perpetually increases the more you level up. All roles use the same level progression track, so you can freely level whichever role you want to at any time.
For example: You take a Ravager from level 1 to level 2 at the beginning of the game. It only costs 100 points. But, let’s say you’ve leveled your Medic and Sentinel to 99 already; then leveling your Ravager from 1 to 2 could cost 500 points.
After a certain amount of levels, you’ll rank up the Crystarium, and can choose from various one-time perks (such as unlocking a new role, role bonuses, increasing the ATB gauge, or even gaining access to powerful role-specific moves like the Ravager’s Ultima Arrow).
Lastly, to increase the amount of CP you’re getting, you can unlock a fragment skill that rewards double CP. Check the Fragment Skill page for more.
Final Fantasy 13 2 Trainer
*Stagger: By filling the stagger meter of an enemy, they will enter “Staggered” status and any damage they take will be notably increased. Attacks may also cancel out whatever move they were attempting to perform, and Commandos can even launch staggered enemies into the air for a juggle combo. The enemy cannot retaliate while being juggled, and if you time your attacks with the rest of the party, you can usually keep the enemy in the air until they do, regardless of how much HP they have.