Dead Rising 2 Lucky Slot Machine


In Dead Rising 2 for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC, there are three gambling magazines you can find that will greatly boost your winnings on regular slot machines, and greatly increase your odds on the giant heart slot machine in Slot Ranch Casino.

Keep your 3 magazines in your inventory and make your way to the big pink slot machine in Slot Ranch Casino. Push the 1000$ button, wack a zombie while you wait, and you should be raking in money.

Gambling Magazine 1: Ragazines – Second floor in Royal Flush Plaza – R212
Gambling Magazine 2: Stan’s Large Print Books and Magazines – Second floor in Palisades Mall – P206
Gambling Magazine 3: Shamrock Casino – Silver Strip – N106

Check out the store map if you need help locating these stores.

Dead Rising 2 Lucky Slot Machine Youtube

Once you have them, go check out my Dead Rising 2 Easy Money guide to make a ton of money fairly quickly.